What’s your role within J K?
My role within J K team is a Finance Administrator to the team.
What do you enjoy most about work?
I love working with such a lovely group of girls, coming from a different industry, it’s been really great learning new things. I love being part of a busy team and helping where I can.
What was your first-ever paying job?
My first ever paying job was waitressing at a busy Edinburgh venue and I loved it! Everything about the hustle and bustle in a fast-paced environment, I just loved it!
Tell us something that you’ve done but will never do again?
Something I have done and would never want to do again is taking my sister’s clothes without asking. Learned my lesson one too many times!!
You’re running out the door, what are your must-have essentials?
At the moment it’s my mask!! Always seem to be forgetting it when rushing out! But normally I would be grabbing my lippy.
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
Something people don’t know is that I love going to the football with my Dad on a Saturday, as much as I love all things girly. It’s something we have always done since we were wee.